Stories of Defence Science supporting RAAF across 100 years

A visual treat...

Designing this book for Defence was an exciting challenge. Completed in under five weeks from concept to production, my design skills and mental agility were tested, resulting in a beautiful book with an elegant layout and premium print finishes.


Defence Science & Technology Group


Cover design, internal pages, photo retouching, print management



Carefully considered design

Designing an abridged version of a book that will expand to a full edition later requires careful planning and consideration of future chapters. A challenge for this version was formatting a large number of entries into the historical timeline in a single spread. To solve this, I designed a fold-out page on the right-hand side to accommodate the text, with a visually pleasing result that can easily be applied to the left side when the full version of the timeline calls for more space.

Smiles all 'round!

Chief of Air Force Air Marshal Mel Hupfeld was extremely pleased when presented with the final book by Dr Katerina Agostino, Chief of Aerospace Division, Defence Science & Technology Group.